Saturday, August 15, 2009


15 miles. That's right, I kicked 15 miles in the ass. Really those 15 miles kicked me in the ass, but I like to sound tough so I'll say it's the other way around. It was just me, the open road, Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears... oh and my frickin sweet Camelbak that I bought yesterday!!!

I'd been having some difficulties figuring out how to hydrate properly. My solution? Camelbak. On sale, holds 50 ounces of water, and makes me look absolutely ridiculous as I run down the road with a backpack of water strapped to me. However, it keeps me from not dying, which is always a plus. Pictures will most likely follow at some point cause it is damn funny stuff.

For some reason, 15 miles was way more painful than 14 last weekend. Most likely because I made the following mistakes:

1. Eating crap yesterday instead of real, healthy foods. Nachos, you are not my friend.
2. Not drinking enough water yesterday.
3. Waiting until nearly 8 a.m. to start running... I live in the desert, and it's been moderately cool, but a departure time of 5 or 6 a.m. would have been much more preferable. The whole time I was saying to myself, "It's hot outside, dumbass."
4. Running alongside a road that was pretty quiet, but instead discovering that breathing in car exhaust is not so much fun. Next weekend it is definitely back to the quiet country roads.
5. Starting out too quickly and wearing myself out. At one point the Nike+ said I was running an 8:18 mile. WTF? Clearly, it was malfunctioning. Also, clearly I am an idiot cause the rest of the run I was lucky to break 12:00 miles... Ah, speed, I miss you so...
6. Whatever I did to earn a blister the size of China on my big toe. That was a seriously bad idea. I have no idea how it happened, but ouch.

Lessons learned... We shall see how 16 goes next weekend. At least if I'm in pain, I'll look freaking awesome with my Camelbak/Nike+ arm band combo. Excellent.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

Camelbacks are awesome and will save your life. You're awesome