I don't regret not finishing, as I was supposed to do 12 this weekend and will just do my 16 instead. I was upset with myself at first, but I clearly take life too seriously and just need to relax a little. I ran 12 miles. That kicks ass.
The T for tickets comes from Friday night... on my drive over I got pulled over. Let's just say I was going too fast, didn't have my valid insurance card (WHERE did I put that thing?) and had a bike rack covering my back license plate. Hello, illegal stuff... Anyway, for some reason the cop did NOT give me a ticket!!!! I felt like the luckiest girl alive. I totally deserved a ticket, but could not afford to pay one, so I probably would have smooched that cop right then and there if I weren't afraid of the repercussions of randomly kissing cops.
Saturday was spent at Tour de Fat--a festival for Fat Tire Ale whereupon people dress up all crazy and participate in a bike parade. My fake family and I dressed up as a band of gypsies. I should mention I was completely sober. And yes, I did crash my bike. And yes, I did bleed. I fall down a lot. I told Shawna that story and she immediately googled me to see if I popped up on youtube as a random girl at Tour de Fat who fell on her face. I'm very sore and bruised from it... Turns out biking in a gypsy skirt is not as easy as it seems. All in all I biked about 5 miles between the trip there, back, and during. Add that to my run and that's 17 miles of ground I covered! I'll take it.
Some pictures of my sweet gypsy attire, along with my best pal Chelse:
So there we have it. No 16-mile run, but adventures all the same. I'm okay with how my weekend turned out. I got back last night, completely exhausted, and yet was up immediately for my run this morning... October is getting darn close!!!!
12miles is amazing! I don't even know if I could get through 5 miles without passing out.
You are amazing! I am also inspired to make sure I know where my insurance card is. I'm always worried about stuff like that. I would've smooched the cop and then realized what a horrible idea that was. Also, cutest gypsies ever!
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