Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Holy abs...

We had the most crazy, fantastic, glorious lightning storm Sunday night... As such, I'm super glad I didn't go for a run. That could have ended badly. It also kept me up late since the lightning made our house like daylight and the thunder made my bed shake each time I fell asleep. I'm working an earlier shift all week, so a Monday morning run was a no-go... Due to the fact that it's 12 million degrees outside, I turned to my old nemesis on Monday evening: the treadmill.

There's a gym near my house that sells pass packages for classes and whatnot, and I still have a couple that I haven't used (others have been devoted to zumba and hula hooping. I'm cool, I know). I hit the treadmill first and did 4 miles of hill intervals that kicked me right in the butt. Then I had the brilliant idea to go to an abs class.

Ouch. I can't laugh without pain today. That tiny, blonde instructor did not mess around.

Today I got up super early and ran in the dark. You'll notice that I haven't been using my Nike plus, cause I think it peer pressures me to run faster. I blame Lance Armstrong, cause when he doesn't talk to me at the end of a run it makes me sad. I'll sound crazy to those who don't use a Nike plus, I'm sure.

Also, I went to get gelato with Shawna today while wearing a fitness challenge t-shirt from my old job. I like to appreciate the irony in such situations. And that is my random post that says, "Hello, I like to pretend I actually update my blog sometimes."

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