Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 2/30?

Hello. I'm alive. Sometimes I forget to blog.

So, I had this idea to do the 30 Day Shred (again) and try to make it to Day 30 this time. I seem to remember taking a day off here or there before, so I thought it seemed intriguing. I'm on day 2. Also, I'm reading Jillian Michaels' new book, "Master Your Metabolism" and it's making me afraid of chemicals.

I feel like I'm really into Jillian Michaels, I hope its not in a weird way. She's just kind of awesome. Jason reminded me today that I told him if I ever met Jillian Michaels I would eat strawberries off of her stomach. I don't remember saying this, but have no doubt that I did, and responded, "So would you! That's a good stomach!" He tolerates me, I think.

Yesterday I accidentally ran for an hour because I went for a run with a friend, we got to talking/running, and forgot that we should turn around before it got dark and we were stuck all alone on a river trail. Ha. Oops! It was super fun though, and nice and relaxing cause we weren't worried about time.

Highlights of my recent days:
1. Visited my heterosexual life partner, played Bingo, drank gin. Not in that order.
2. Watched Lost. Said, "WTF?" a lot.
3. Attempted to go for a bike ride with Shawna, which ended before it started because she had a flat tire. High-fived our bike-riding awesomeness.

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