Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bicycles and springtime, oh my!

It does not look like February around here lately. I am most definitely okay with that. I arrived home today just as the sun was setting, so I quickly changed and went for a super quick (2 mile) run. Then I got back and still had light, so I went for a bicycle ride through the park. Ahhhh, sunlight.

It's amazing what sunshine does for my mood. I think that's why I enjoy living where I live (it's sunny a large portion of the year). During winter I definitely get the wintertime blahs, and don't run, and am not as active, and get a little heftier around the middle.

I am hoping that this spring-like weather sticks with us, and it decides to just be spring already. That would definitely be a-okay with me (and the size of my ass). Keep your fingers crossed that it stays okay weather, cause if so, I have plans to hike up a butte this weekend!

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