Sunday, October 25, 2009

Like an 80-year-old woman...

I went for my first post-marathon run today--it took me exactly three weeks before I felt the urge to run again. Well, I suppose I felt the urge, but feeling like going for a run and mentally convincing myself to go running are different things entirely.

My ipod totally froze, thus the lack of record of said run. But it happened... I ran about three miles, through the lovely fall leaves in the park and up the running trail. I really enjoy living downtown with awesome running locations available just outside my door.

It hurt a little. I'm an old woman, clearly. Perhaps I shouldn't take a three week running vacation anymore?

Now, time to make butternut squash soup.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

Yay you! Also, butternut squash soup sounds like the perfect thing to have today. I drove through a monsoon about 5 minutes after the boy telling me it was only sprinkling. Which was true for our house, but not my work area. And the fix-the-window project was a fail.