Sunday, October 18, 2009

Domestic goddess?

A couple days ago I was cleaning up a broken glass/smoothie disaster when I sliced my toe open on a shard of glass and found myself lying on the bathroom floor, leg in the air, calling my mother in a panic and saying, "There aren't any major arteries in your toes, right?" My house looked like a murder scene. Never have I seen a tiny cut bleed so much... I was lightheaded due to loss of blood. Cleaning + me = occasional disaster.

This morning I was cooking breakfast for company, and created pomegranate/bluberry pancakes as well as huevos con chorizo without disaster...well, except for the disaster of genre mixing, but oh well. I also decided to make hashbrowns, seeing as how we have twelve million potatoes, and somehow created a mass of potatoes that did not resemble hash browns. They tasted like potatoes, yes, but I'm not sure what they were. Apparently my cooking skills are in desperate need of attention. I'm excellent at the "single lady eating while standing over the sink" sort of cooking, but cooking actual meals for actual people has resulted in some less than desirable concoctions lately. I used to be able to cook, I swear!

This evening I was ironing some pants for work (turns out they expect you to look professional when they give you your own office, name plate, and business cards... terrible burden for those of us who don't notice wrinkles and sometimes still wear size 16 pants that are too big). Ironing + me = wrinkle domination, typically. The problem is that I don't have an ironing board in the new house, so I was using an ottoman and sitting on the floor. I was holding the iron on the hem for a second when all of a sudden smoke billowed up and I screamed in horror. The ottoman appears to be made of some type of very synthetic (and very melt-able/flammable) material. My iron seemed to be ruined, and I have a burn mark consisting of half an iron imprinted on my ottoman. I will pay someone if they can figure out how to fix such things! I did manage to get the synthetic crap off the iron, and then I finished my ironing on the flame retardent kitchen counter. Pants for work tomorrow--check. Glaringly damaged ottoman--check.

Martha Stewart would be ashamed.


Shawna said...

Ha, I was wondering what was up with the ottoman when I got home tonight and saw it. I think we should make a really lovely patch for it. Any thoughts on fabric or image? Maybe a nice band aid bumper sticker like the one on your car? I think that would look very shabby chic and Parisian.

Nike Athena said...

Target had an entire section in their Sunday ad about shabby chic. ;-) I think a gerbera daisy patch in purple velvet would be perfect and tie the ottoman in with your new couch.

Also, your pancakes were AMAZING and I'm still drooling a little over them. Thanks for being a wonderful host!