Sunday, May 10, 2009

Amen, Kelly Clarkson.

Sometimes I get so caught up in life that I start to panic a little at the thought of how ridiculous and insane everything is. I have a hard time reacting properly to things. Also, I'm horrible during PMS.

Then I go for a 5 1/2 mile run in the sunshine, and have a moment with my face turned up to feel the warmth, my eyes closed (a bad idea since I'm accident prone, but whatever), where I feel the love of people I've lost and the happiness of summertime. And it is during moments like those that I realize the truth wisdom of Kelly Clarkson. Seriously. Go buy her new album.

Other highlights of my weekend:

Conversation with dad:
Me: So I hit a tree with my car the other day.
Dad: A tree. A TREE?
Me: A tiny one. More of a sapling really...
Dad: But you hit a tree...

Conversation with Mom:
Me: You do realize that I just drank and drive on the riding lawn mower while consuming a beer with a straw. What kind of daughter did you raise?
Mom: One after our own hearts...

I also ran a 5K with the mom this weekend! Pictures to follow. We kind of kick a lot of ass.

Now go listen to Kelly Clarkson, please.