Monday, April 6, 2009

Details to follow...

2:22:02 later, I finished my second half marathon! That gives me a 10:50/mile pace, which I was pretty proud of. That's 10 or so minutes faster than my last half marathon, which makes me feel like I accomplished something. Here are some photos to tide you over until I have time to actually detail the awesomeness that was my run-iversary:

Around mile 11 I decided that all I wanted in the world was a chocolate milkshake. It was post-race that I discovered that Burgerville serves burgers and shakes at 9 a.m. Best discovery ever! Also, the finish clock wasn't my real time cause it took me 4 minutes to get across the mat (it was a crowded event).

More amusing tales of running and junk food eating at a later date.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

It looks like you're preparing for a cartwheel. We saw a couple people do that. I always want to die after running, I don't know how people muster up enough strength for a cartwheel across the finish. Go you!