Monday, November 29, 2010

Things I did this holiday weekend.

1. Reverted to my college days, with my college pal Shawna, and was drunk two nights in a row.

2. Sang karaoke. Oh, I love me some Reba.

3. Drank Gatorade.

4. Face planted on a hill while holding hands with Shawna, then laughed for five minutes in attempt to get up.

5. Went sledding at 1 a.m. with strangers in the park across the street.

6. Nicknamed a first year med student "Dr. David" and asked him medical advice, then told people it was his birthday so he could get free drinks. Also lied and told people he was a pediatrician.

7. Laughed.

8. Cried.

9. Decorated for Christmas.

10. Ate turkey, and stuffing, and pie.

11. Caught a cold, which makes chicken soup very necessary right now. Perhaps from all the drinking and playing in the snow?

12. Had a "rugged photo shoot" with Shawna.

13. Had a light saber battle with a three-year-old.

14. Ate chicken strips and gravy.

15. Witnessed a Christmas tree lighting.

16. Spread Christmas cheer.

17. Stayed up all night to Black Friday shop, which was a horrible idea.

18. Baked a pie, and cookies.

19. Made a paper snow flake.

20. Napped.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

Glad you survived Black Friday. I did that once and I think once is quite enough. Sounds like a great weekend!