Friday, March 26, 2010

Good morning, winter. Did you know it is March?

I woke up today to SNOW. What the heck is with that? It's supposed to snow all day, but hopefully melt this afternoon.

Part of why I love spring so much is because the weather improves, and the sunshine does wonders for my disposition. I really have a difficult time getting outside to run during winter, and staying active.

I had grand plans to run tonight and go for a bike ride with Shawna, followed by gardening, a run, and a bike ride tomorrow with another friend. This will undoubtedly still happen, as I have decided to say "Suck it!" to the storm clouds and white powder covering the ground.

In one month I leave for Hawaii. Today it is 80 degrees there. Suck it, snow!

P.S. I bought a new swim suit online last night, because Shawna was on a date and I have a horrible problem with online shopping when left to my own devices. What can I say, I was waiting up to hear how it went, and the internet was right there! But really, who buys a swimsuit online? I really hope it doesn't look horrible, but that is probably the worst item to ever buy online. It's really a matter of trying things on to make sure that things are not squished where they shouldn't be, and nothing is popping out where it shouldn't be. Silliness, plain and simple.


Nike Athena said...

I bought a swimsuit online once and it was a little too big, but it was a too much work to return and then ended up working out fine (the orange and red one). I have a couple friends that seem to only buy swimsuits online and it's worked great for them.

I want to know how Shawna's date went! Curious...

Becky said...

I only ever buy bathing suits online from J Crew. Mostly because I have been wearing the same size/kind of bathing suit since high school. Yeah. I'm hip. Whatever. They're pretty expensive but they fit well and don't let anything sqish or pop out.
I'm always tempted to try and buy one from Victoria's Secret because they just look so amazing and perfect on the models. Then I remember that I am not a Victoria's Secret model.
I'm jealous you're going to Hawaii. But its cool. I fully intend to rub it in like crazy when we go to Greece in June.