Sunday, March 21, 2010


So, I forgot to mention, but in 35 days I'm going to Hawaii for a week. The boyfriend's best friend and I plotted together and bought plane tickets for the three of us to go on vacation for the boyfriend's 30th birthday. It happens to be on April 30, so he turns 30 on the 30th--cool, huh? Anyway, we'll be gone April 26 through May 1.

I also forgot to mention that I've gained 15 pounds since the marathon. Whoops! I really took my winter padding seriously this year. It's not the worst thing that's ever happened to someone, but I do have one minor problem.... My bathing suit does not fit. And I am going to go play in a warm, tropical ocean.


As such, I have 35 days to try to step up my game and make the damn thing fit. I'm feeling more like myself lately, and more hardcore, and running far more often than I did all winter... So that's a good sign. I still feel just as attractive and awesome while 15 pounds heavier, but I'd really like to conserve money and not buy a new bathing suit. I'm very thrifty.

It's also about five months until Hood to Coast. Woo!

Today I went for an extremely rain-soaked hike with my sister. I'm so rugged.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

Okay, so it didn't route me to Yahoo - yay! Where did you go hiking? Looks fun!