Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Accidentally vegetarian?

I seem to be lacking in the meat eating department lately. I have no idea what has caused this, but for several days last week I didn't eat meat the entire day. I consumed protein, of course, but it was other varieties and well spread out with many fruits and veggies and grains and goodness.

For instance, take last Friday:
Breakfast: I can't remember. But it was meatless. Most likely oatmeal with peanut butter, berries, bananas, and soy milk.
Lunch: Veggie burger, hummus, spinach salad, mixed together in awesome wonderfulness.
Dinner: Spaghetti squash with tomato sauce and wheat bread on the side, prepared by The Boyfriend who knows of my love of vegetables
Snack: I think I had a latte at some point. It sounds like a day that latte-consumption would have occurred. Also I think I had a handful of chips at work.

Where's the beef, you ask? I do not know.

I keep threatening to become vegan for a week to see if I can do it. I'm thinking I could. I gave up meat without even trying!

Perhaps I should have a steak for dinner?

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