Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ginormous, epic fail.

I have not run in a week. I ran a mile yesterday, but it was 98 degrees outside and I wanted to die, so I quit.

I can't seem to get my butt out of bed in the morning. My evenings have been spent moping and not running. I am not awesome. I have no idea what is wrong with me, or what happened to my kickass attitude that used to stick around. (insert overly dramatic sigh here) My mother told me she's worried about me today, because I sound so tired, and I would very much like to mention to her that I feel about 87 years old and don't know what I'm going to do, but that might be a little dramatic (insert hugely dramatic sigh here)

Today, I am going to run. In about an hour I will lace up my shoes and go. Really, I will.

Deep down I know I will feel better if I do, it's just a matter of actually motivating myself to get out the door. October is in just a couple months, and I WILL run the marathon I already signed up and paid for... won't I?

Sometimes I don't understand why I'm so ridiculous.

1 comment:

Lis said...

I think that at some point all of us reach a funk. It seems like you have had quite a lot happen in the past few months that has changed your world completely. I hope that things get better and the funk ends quickly-getting yourself out there (as hard as it can be) really does help. Thinking happy thoughts for you!