Monday, June 8, 2009

Things I think about when I cannot sleep

1. Is it possible to consume enough caffeine that it starts to have the opposite effect than is intended?

2. Why do I read books like "He's Just Not That Into You" and think that they make complete sense, but then do the exact opposite of what they say to do? Is it because I'm clinically insane?

3. Do armadillos have tails?

4. Why did I decide to wake up and run 8 miles at ridiculous o'clock on a Monday? Aren't Mondays meant for slacking off?


Nike Athena said...

Dude, I love you. This all makes complete sense to me in my sleep deprived state.

Anonymous said...

yes, armadillo's do have tails

jh said...

Nice to know others think like this at night as well. Just saw the movie version of He's Just Not That Into You and thought it was hilarious, but we are pretty programmed from the beginning to do the opposite and it takes a while to undo that conditioning.

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