Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This is why I'm still single

(at a work function)

Me: Do you have a list of blah blah blah?

Good-looking man: Oh, I thought you were going to ask for my phone number...

Me: Haha, no. Do you have a list?

Good-looking man: Um, yeah.

(over an hour later)
Me, to myself: Holy crap, was that flirting?!?!?!

Yeah. I'm quick.

How the heck am I supposed to tell if men are flirting with me or just being weird? And furthermore, why do I always think of witty things to say an hour later?

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

I still find this funny. Jason says you should have said, "Well since you offered..." ;-) Keep being awesome!