I feel better. I arrived home in a heap of despair but have now accomplished the following:
1. Figured out that my tax return being small-ish is not the end of the world. I've always been poor, so that's what I'm good at anyway.
2. Ranted for approximately a million years to my heterosexual life mate about everything that has been bothering me that I've just been keeping to myself. She assured me that I am not, in fact, insane. Just a girl. And maybe a little nutty. And tired.
3. Ran 4.5 glorious miles without a care as to how fast I was running, or really a goal of how far to run. It just kind of ended up as 4.5 cause that felt like a good number today.
4. Many pushups and sit-ups while watching Biggest Loser (that actually has yet to happen, but I'm on my way there right now)
5. Write a slightly less depressing blog, as my run helped cure my "heap of despair" syndrome that comes from working 12 hours (I'm covering for someone whose mother died, and have been covering for about two weeks, so I'm totally okay with it and know it is only temporary so I'll just power through it)
What I have not accomplished is:
1. Eat dinner (and it's almost 9 p.m. Oops?)
2. Regain complete sanity (an ongoing battle)
3. Sleep (ah, but that's in my future)
Just thought I'd give everyone an update.